Dear customers,
The effects of the flood are still being felt in Stolberg and the surrounding area. The clean-up work is ongoing and will continue to accompany us in the coming weeks. With this update we would like to inform you about the latest developments at our plant.
Together with our workforce and external service providers, we have been working tirelessly to get key areas back on track. With success: our finished goods warehouse is ready for use again. All goods available to us are currently being prepared for shipment. In concrete terms, this means that we can now gradually process some of your orders that have stalled in recent weeks.
Another milestone following the flood: we are in the process of acquiring external service providers for some process steps in our production that were temporarily unavailable after the flood damage. To ensure this, our quality assurance department has introduced additional, extensive measures to safeguard product quality.
It will soon be possible to start production of our plastic articles - e.g., the "Plastidur 2008" and "Plastidur 2010" buttons - again in our own facilities.
The progress made so far would not have been feasible without the numerous support we have received. We would therefore like to thank all helping hands! Our plant manager Axel Wirthmüller would like to express this in particular: "The solidarity and willingness to help that has been shown to us in recent weeks allows us to continue to find strength and to look to the future with confidence. We would like to thank all the supporters most sincerely for their energetic commitment - without them we would not be this far today."
Despite the positive developments, there is still work to be done: for example, the regular power supply cannot yet be reactivated. We continue to rely on diesel generators. However, we are working hard to ramp up other work processes in the coming weeks.
We will continue to keep you informed - about cleanup efforts, progress and news. You can also reach us personally at the numbers you are accustomed to, as well as by e-mail.
We thank you for your loyalty and trust and are sure that we will soon again be the reliable partner you know us to be.
Best regards
Your Prym Fashion Team